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Written by: Anil K. Singh

How to use an air cooler in a closed room: Explained

Are you facing issues with using an air cooler in a closed room and wish to learn how to ensure effective cooling there? If yes, …

Are you facing issues with using an air cooler in a closed room and wish to learn how to ensure effective cooling there? If yes, No worries; there are ways to do it. To learn how to use an air cooler in a closed room we need to ensure we understand the pre-requirements to get effective cooling, and this involves understanding how an air cooler works.


We will cover each of these aspects in this article and finish with ways to use an air cooler inside a closed room. Please ensure you read this article through to the end.

Let us start with understanding how an air cooler works, and what are the pre-requirements for using an air cooler effectively.

How to use an air cooler effectively: Pre-requirements

Air coolers work on the principle of evaporating cold water (normally we use tap water, sometimes with ice in it, not necessarily always) to circulate the vapour through a medium (the outside air and the air cools fan here) into the room to bring down the room’s temperature. 

It’s not a quick process, cooling your room with air coolers usually takes 30 minutes to an hour, depending upon the unit’s make and its efficiency. 

Now the circulating vapours have moisture contents, called humidity, which must either be passed on through an opening in the room or evaporated further. This further evaporation is swiftly self-accomplished if the climatic conditions are hot and dry. That’s why air coolers work wonderfully on extremely hot days. 

Given the above discussions, we conclude the requirements for air coolers giving effective cooling as:

  • The weather should be hot and dry with minimum humidity.
  • There should be some ventilating points in the room
  • The air cooler should be placed close to a window or door to allow it to suck fresh air from the environment.

Now these three requirements are not always met for obvious reasons and one of them is a closed room without windows.

So, how do you use air coolers in closed rooms effectively? Let’s see that.

How to use an air cooler in a closed room?

To use an air cooler in a closed room effectively, we need to ensure that there is a ventilation provision in the room. Closed rooms may not have windows, or possibly you have a window where you have installed the air cooler and packed it all around as we do with air conditions, and you need to keep the door closed.  Now, what’s next:

Use Exhaust fan

Install an exhaust fan and pack its surrounding areas to ensure it sucks the air inside the room. If you don’t pack the areas surrounding the exhaust fan, it may use the nearby air to throw them outside and complete its cycles.

Pass the air to the adjacent space

If you can’t install an exhaust fan for some reason, we suggest passing the air inside the closed room to an adjacent room. You may use a small fan and keep it at the door with its face facing towards the space where you wish to transfer the air.

Use the air cooler with Ice

If there are no windows or exhaust fan, and you need to keep the door closed, please turn off the water pump and use the fan as a blower. Using an air cooler with water inside a closed room will create enough moisture making the room hot as moisture condenses back to water for your body heat. You can still get some cooling effect if you heat the air cooler with ice. 

Use the air cooler with Ice, how will it help?

How to use air coolers with ice?

There can be two instances when you use an air cooler with ice: one, you are using an air cooler in a properly ventilated room and have placed your cooler somewhere near the windows, or the door. In this scenario, pour the ice cubes into the water reservoir and get enhanced cooling.

But if you use an air cooler in a closed room, the second instance. Make sure you use the water cooler without water but some ice in the ice chamber. Switch off the water pump. Using the air cooler with ice inside a closed room will have a dual effect: 

  • It will not create as much moisture as water would create, and though not much it will provide some dampness to the cooling pads and will give improved cooling compared to running the fan as a blower. 
  • It will mitigate the skin drying speed, keeping your skin moist. Please note that using the cooler without water for prolonged periods may dry out your skin and eyes, creating muscle pains.

Best way to use an air cooler in a closed room

If you are using an air cooler inside a closed room, we suggest using personal coolers, and not evaporative cooler (Desert Cooler). Your primary objective should be air cooling the space where you sleep and not the entire room. Modern personal cooler, like the desert coolers, come with ice chambers. Keep some ice in the chamber and it will melt to flow through the cooling pads, imparting coolness to your sleeping place. 

Please ensure you keep the water pump off if using an air cooler inside a closed room. 

The Ice may not last long, we understand, you can replicate the process twice in a night 🫣to get relief from the scorching heat and get a refreshing sleep.

Wrapping Up:

Getting a refreshing sleep is the need of every human being. Our work efficiency depends on that. As such, countering the issues at our place and making an ambient environment for our air coolers to work efficiently is the only way out.  Operating air coolers under different circumstances effectively, including using them in a closed room, may need preparations. 

Measures suggested in this article for using an air cooler in a closed room effectively can help fight the constraints. We hope they help you. We hope you found this content on “how to use an air cooler in a closed room” helpful and informative. If so, please share it with your loved ones. 

Also, please feel free to write to us through the comments section below, if you have some more queries related to air coolers. We have kept it open for you. Thank you!


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Anil K. Singh

Anil K. Singh (Aks) is a highly accomplished content writer and technical graduate with over 12 years of experience as a Mechanical Engineer in various industries, and more than 3 years as a Content Writer and English Teacher. Learn More about Aks here :

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