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What is HomeTechGuide?
HomeTechGuide is a digital platform where we share information on life aids and essentials like smart home and kitchen appliances, tools that could provide you with ease doing your daily jobs, digital tools and devices, and other home elements that strengthens the security of your home while keeping you digital.
Yes, We want your home to be equipped with the best tools under your budget as we wish our home to be. Our recommendations on this site are based on our analysis and research, and the opinions we present here may differ from yours. We respect your opinion/views/choices for your home. We wish to declare that we only do reviews for you and are not endorsing anything discussed on this website.
Who are We?
We are a 3-member team that does research and bring the best information to enhance your knowledge about your home related technologies.
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If at any time you feel like asking us anything or helping us with your valuable feedback. You may please write to us at info@hometechguide.net ; We will be happy to hear from you!